So, here is my new creative address…maybe box number is more accurate. Astonishing. I just looked up that word. I’m always looking for words to ‘say’ stuff. Maybe that’s why I throw in a picture on each post…trying to get across what I’m trying to say…words are cool, but sometimes…well, the non-verbal parts just have to be included. More on that later. Anyway, I was remembering an astonishing moment in my life. I remember crawling up to my big brother’s old Harmony guitar..and fiddling with the strings…well, that started a whole ‘thing’. (how’s that for a descriptive word for what ever in the heck I’m trying to say…LOL…oh brother) . First of all, it was ‘dangerous’…it was my big brother’s thing… and …and…look at the vibrations of that lower stings…and…
Anyway, then I started thinking of other ‘astonishing’ moments. Well, then there was the big black Steinway Grand piano in our living room,.. and the light coming through the greenhouse windows in that room.., and the leaves making sounds as the wind was having them brush against the glass,.. and the smell of the…well everything. Got to go now..and look for a photo to use here…